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RE: | MONOMAD | Flames

in Black And White5 months ago

I am late ???.....

Ufffffffff if we look at it from the point of view that time is not linear as the mind makes it look, I'm at the right time !!!! And to stop commenting on this post would be a sin.

Fear will always be there, it is part of us. And embracing it, accepting it; we can transcend it to turn it into love.

In my classes, I spend an hour and a half teaching tricks to learn to feel; a way that yogis found to connect with the divine source through our body.

These girls have a mission, and they are going to accomplish it.

Finally, we are the biosphere, or what is the same; Uni-Verse.


This time thing... it's great. It happens to me that two days have come to seem like two years for me, and instead two years have seemed like 2 days. 😔 In both cases the experience has not been good. That's why today I'm working on making time longer but experiencing happiness.
I don't know, I don't know if I am succeeding. But what I do know is that I am determined to make it happen.
Thank you for coming in non-linear time.
