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RE: Finding Emotion in Monochrome Landscapes |This my entry for the Monomad contest

It looks like the (mainstream external) search engines that you use are already aware that you are referring to this blockchain whenever you use it to search about Hive. 😎

Here's a !BBH which is also your favorite apart from WINEX, with !LUV! 😁 !DIY


Yep, that's true, they are. Most of the time I use Presearch lately, and it finds information on Hive quite easily.

Thanks a lot! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


I would have suggested that you and/or Bjorn host a node of such "decentralized" search engine, though I know that you would just put it on your to-do list again. 🤯😆

Here's your other favorite !BBH token, with !LUV! 😁 !DIY

Haha...he could do it easier than I could presently, though it'd be fun! I'd still try to run a Hiive witness node and a Hive-Engine node first, however!

Abundant thanks again! 😁🙏💚✨🤙


Maybe your "autocorrect" wants you to run an "autocorrecting" node for it, because it made you type Hiive! 🤯😆

Here's another !WINEX token that you !INDEED enjoy! 😁 !DIY

An auto-correcting node sounds great, but not an autocorrect node for my keyboard!

Thankie muchly! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


What if you are "promised" by your "keyboard autocorrect" with less false positives and false negatives if you run an "autocorrecting node" for it? 🤯🤣


Nah, not worth it. I'll deal with its periodic antics, for the moment at least. 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙