Thirsty Boat - Monomad Challenge

in Black And White3 months ago

Hail to the Hive!

Living as a continuous cruiser on the canal networks of the UK requires a bit of forward planning and keeping a beady eye on the resources that you use, water being a big one.


You can find the water points along the network on canal maps and apps etc but as we are on familiar turf ( or water more accurately )we know where most of them are and this spot , on the Coventry canal, we have visited before.


The old and very interesting building with the clock tower isn't in use and part from the waterpoint there are no other facilities. Seems a huge waste as this site clearly has bags of potential.


Cugnet was very thirsty so it took a while to fill her. Her bow raises up quite a few inches when the water tank is getting empty. We usually fill up at every water point we pass to avoid long refills but if we stay in one point a while we have to fill up after about 7 to 8 days.

You do learn to be conservative with water useage, which isn't a bad thing and I don't spend ages in the shower on the boar as it is a very cmall space for me so it's get in, get washed and get out.


Also the engine heats up the water so both myself and @millycf1976 and I usually head right in as soon as we stop. @millycf1976 is usually in there before I've tied the mooring lines 🤣, but she's always kind enough to leave enough hot water for me to wash my bits 😁!


But going back to the site and it's potential, I always spend my time while the boat is filling, thinking about what I would do with this space If I could get my hands on it. All boats normally stop here when passing, which isn't a huge amount of traffic but is still worth factoring in. People love to watch the canal boats as well so a cafe of some sort that people could stop at canal side and that also sells essential basic groceries for passing boaters might be something but i think there needs to be another element to the equation to make it work. Something to think about.


and it also makes for a few good monochromatic shots cos I do....

Love a bit of #monomad 😜




I had fun reading your post dear @scubahead friend!!! :))... I'm very famous in my family for my "quick showers" hahaha :)) and my wife often jokes saying: "A stranger would say that you pay for water per minute of use!"... But the truth is that here in my country we hacve a lot of infrastructure problems and fresh water has become something that must be managed and take care... On the other hand, WHAT PHOTOS!... I could recognize your photos in B&W without knowing that they are yours just by looking at them!... What a way to create a story using the wide angle and an overwhelming contrast!... APPLAUSE!



$PIZZA slices delivered:
(7/15) @jlinaresp tipped @scubahead

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