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RE: My life's go to's to find pleasure (and that huuuum, peace, chakra cleanising thingie ) away from the constraints of the crazy world we live in.

in Black And White3 years ago

Ahhhhh…… definately be great minds that think alike and banish those no fun or love giving planks to dark cupboards permenantly……….a waste of wood they be.

Yeow…………now I am a chicken mouse monster that is going to fry you crumbed camenbert cheese and cranberry sauce & serve it dressed in a tuxedo hehehe.


Do you know the rest of the saying Mouse? Great minds think alike & idiots rarely differ! Haha!

But I don't think we're either.

You & me, we be creative minds! Forever experimenting & unique! You are that - Mr Tuxedo wearing chicken-mouse-monster - thank you very much for my fried crumbed camembert all slathered in cranberry sauce. Delish! 🤗

There is a twist in that story that has made me beam with a warm smile like a Cheshire cat that has just gobbled a mouse hehe.
I could easily understand myself being grouped with a bunch of fools by eyes staring from above but I know for a fact, as solidly as cheese is yummy, that you have nothing short of a great, creative & fascinating mind. Sooo, to be banded in your esteemed gang has indeed humbled me with pleasure :)

For that I am off to the shop to find the the biggest block of camembert that I can in order to make you tasty seconds hehehe.

Easily understand this, Mouse,
I have been having the most fun playing with words with you.
Your imagination is unconventional, quirky and right on point.
We're definitely in the same gang. Hehe!

Ahhh, that has just drummed a warm smile on my face :)
I am sitting on my porch after just having gotten up and drinking my first cup of coffee while reading your masterful & delicious mix of words and it always sets the mood for a sunflower morning.

Just going to finish my cuppa and then let’s ride boss (old leather flying caps, goggles & all.) hehehe.

Gooooood morning :)

I'm heading to Galway shortly with my daughters. Perhaps I'll spy the sea & snap it for you. Hehe!

But, I have something in store for you. Soon.
Not a prequel or a sequel. Something entirely different. I'm diving in and out with it. Like catching a wave and riding it high then BAM! I'm under the water kicking hard to the surface that seems a little too far.

A sunflower morning is just perfect. Thank you for sharing it. Gooood morning! spoken with my best impression of Robin Williams. x

I just had a look and Galway looks and sounds amazing…………….eeeenjoy! :)
Pleeeeez see and snap lots of everything………even the sea hehe.

Ooooh you have just awakened the mouse ox curiosity with your hidden surprise treasure………damet Janet hehe.

I would much rather you had fun with it rather than sucking in sea water so I will wait with patients in hospital till you are ready :)

Ahhh, your “gooood morning” sounded amazing and I will pretend that I am in Vietnam to get the full affect of it :)

I hope that you and your daughters have an amazing time and I am looking forward to the feedback x😊💃

I received this message while out walking this weekend. Hehe!

I've finally got back to my laptop and have shared that post I mentioned. 💛