Shooting in Extreme Low Light - My Monomad Challenge Entry

in Black And White4 years ago
Maybe I might have to remind you guys that I do photography, haha. I still shoot in monochromes too.



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I was going through my old photos when I found these shots. I didn't share them before because I thought they were terrible, well maybe because the client didn't like the images. It is been a long learning year for me, from ups and downs. Shooting indoors without enough light was probably not the best idea. I can't afford a strobe just yet, but hopefully, soon I would get a Speedlite, and then, problem solved, lol. I did use my on-camera flash though, then I used toilet paper t diffuse the light a bit.

Perfectly captured image

thank you so much Mike haha, pretty dark too.

I absolutely love that first photo! It is so glamourous!

Thank you so much man. So sorry I'm just seeing this. I think I love the glam too 😁