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RE: Wrong Side Of The Tracks

in Black And White4 months ago

awesome shots
and I guess which is the wrong sid eof the tracks is often a matter of perspective

back when I used to travel a lot, i preferred skipping or quickly visiting the more touristy and hence nicer spots of a place, and get to the other parts of a place and see how life really is, often to places people would advise one to stay away from but I guess I got lucky I am still here to talk about it lOL


Obi-Wan was right!

That's pretty much how I like to travel, hit the tourist-y spots if it's necessary to see what I want and then get outside that bubble as quickly as possible. Lol, usually the places I get warned about end up reminding me of places I've lived.

I think its the wya to go even if a bit risky perhaps you really get a feel for how life really is there