When I do mushroom hunting, there is an opportunity to be able to get another one. One of them is that I can photograph several types of grass flowers. While walking what I see everything in the portrait. Use it so that I can produce a better image. All that I did as an exercise and learning to take pictures.
Like it or not, I have to keep learning how to produce better pictures. Lots of friends who always help me in how to hold the smartphone in taking pictures and so on. So I have to always be diligent to want to learn to take good photos beside the house and also when hunting for unique and beautiful pictures.
Camera Xioami Redmi Note 9 Pro
Catagory Flower Photography
Processed Adobe Linghtroom/PixelLab
Lens External Macro Lensbong 30mm
Location Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh Sumatera Indonesia