Monomad Challenge. Mimosa Flowers.


This is my entry for the Monomad Photography Challenge by @brumest and @monochromes.

Check out the rules for this challenge here

I have created a post ages ago featuring the gorgeous Mimosa flowers but wanted to see what they'd look like in black and white and I'm pleased to note that their delicate features are revealed beautifully.

Mimosa (Albizia Julibrissan) is sometimes called Persian Silk Tree and is actually a legume and it helps to enrich the soil where it grows. Its Persian name means, "Night Sleeper" because their leaves close up during the night or in rain storms. In full bloom, they resemble white, pink, or red clouds of feathery balls, with many tiny spikes and they fill the air with a sweet fragrance.

Pink Mimosa 1 BNW F.jpg

Pink Mimosa BNW F.jpg

Pink Mimosa BNW F (1).jpg

Pink Mimosa 3 BNW F.jpg

Mimosa and fly BNW F.jpg


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Quirite badge RS.png


Wonderful! Our Mimosa tree is still shy and hasn't shown its blossoms yet but I hope to be able to take some pictures as well, now inspired by you 😉💯

Awesome! I hope I get to see them

Very dramatic photos of these flowers! They look like ladies informal costumes going to an opera!! LoL

Haha..... your comments do bring me a lot of joy @kaminchan. Thanks so much for your continued support.

Oh! So glad that you don’t think I am a bit abnormal. People often think my way of seeing things is quite odd! They just popped up! Those images!

What a impressive looking flower never seen one of these before almost looks like it belongs to the wattle flower family.

Yes...….I love these flowers. There are red ones as well. Thank you for viewing and commenting @kohsamui99

My pleasure red ones would looks amazing also 👍

What a splendid looking flower it looks so elegant like Alice in Wonderland the white fairies 😊

Many thanks for your welcome support.Love your description @bigsambucca

Sometimes i don't know where the words come from but am happy you liked it 😊

Have a great weekend @trudeehunter 👍

Lovely monomad Trudee. The bloom looks like it has a head of hair.

Haha......It would look great on top of someone's head. Thank you for your lovely comments Jo.