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RE: PEOPLE - MONOMAD - B&W photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (08 Pics)

in Black And White5 months ago

thank you for the wishes my friend. i'm very from histeria and trying to explain to the other ppl that our situation is still not too bad :-))))))) you know two nights ago we survived the first ever know ballistic missiles attack with around 200 huge ballistic missiles fired to our territory. from the whole event died 6 people - one Palestinian man who moved from the Gaza to the West Bank city Jeriho located close to the Dead Sea and plus 5 Iranian soldiers due to the mechanical problems during the rockets launching process. I can say you, that the situation is much better then it colored in the world media. Well, i'm too realistic so i'm just laughing because crying and hiding just don't help much.

it's interesting story about additional photographers in the city where you're living. Finally you can organise a street walk with cameras together, kind of "walk and drink" :-))) But, personally i'm also prefer to go alone just me and my camera :-)