Contrast in harmony - Monomad Challenge

in Black And White4 months ago


Today was a very busy day, there were a lot of people on the street from early hours, from the moment I left the house I saw people leaving for work, taking their children to school or simply moving around to run errands or whatever. This is usually the case around this time before December, perhaps because people also anticipate doing their respective shopping before these holidays where everything can be crazy.



Anyway, I always take advantage of every day for photography and much more if there is good sun, just like this day the sun was intense creating shadows or dark tones in certain scenes that I have captured for this publication, it is like my guide to compose, where of course I look for a subject that creates harmony in the photographic composition. Just as I love to capture those scenes where the subject is partially illuminated and its background is almost completely dark.



At least those are the aspects I look for when composing street images, beyond the action of the subject if it is human, I also look for its surroundings to have a certain harmony that is of interest to the photographic composition and that creates contrast in it.

All photographs are my own.


 4 months ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.

Thank you for this second place. Best regards!

I really love how you use the sunlight in the second photo my friend, you played it really well in the photos. : )
so interesting.

And that I was not going to take that one because I was in a hurry but it was that moment or never. Greetings and thanks for commenting my friend !

Hace tiempo no leía un dato de estos que me hiciera quedarme pensando tanto rato sobre su impacto en la imagen. Partiendo de mi poquísimo conocimiento sobre el blanco y negro, creo que hasta ahora no había considerado cuan importante puede ser la incidencia del sol, entiendo que es lógico y que uno siempre está pendiente de la luz, pero usarlo como herramienta es lo común, en este caso es casi protagonista de tu composición y eso me ha hecho entender tus fotos de otra manera. Es precioso.

Me encantaría hacer experimentos así, el B&W siempre me ha parecido muy complejo, no me atrevo a mucho, pero leerte me ha generado más curiosidad de la habitual jajaja más aún de la que ha logrado esa van de la casa de los tequeños x'D.

Oye en realidad no es tan complejo, yo siempre digo mide la luz, visualiza, compone y captas la imagen, de igual forma uno cada día va aprendiendo, se encuentra otras técnicas que parten de tu propio ejercicio. En fin hay que tomar muchas fotos para lograr esos objetivos fotográficos y también ver muchas fotos. Te recomiendo que veas las fotos de Ho Fan, son especiales y ha sido de mucha influencia. Saludos y gracias por tu valioso comentario.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!