Greetings everyone, for this occasion, I bring you this series of photographs, more like photographic postcards of Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela. After touring much of the city more than a week ago, these postcards partially highlight the beauty of its architecture and engineering, such as being able to see in detail part of the Angosturs Bridge or many of its streets, which are made up of many colonial-style structures, as well as other elements such as people, schools, and other things that can give this city its characteristics.
On the other hand, for these compositions of these photographs, beyond seeking contrasts in the different settings, it is also the simple fact of capturing those fragments of the city that I describe as a language of its own that denotes its harmony, where there may be shapes and a sense of perspective that I have in many images. Therefore, it is, as I usually say, a visual journey in the constant search for perspective and meaning in these images as an essential part of this aspect and visual world.
All photographs are my own.