Back one Sunday in the great world of black and white, which I present these photographs that are not subject to a single theme except that they are all in achromatic, and that I also based on composing a lot with darker shades and also the presence of shadows on the stage that I was portraying.
From a close-up of my wife's face to the fact of capturing environments or images that somehow call my attention, but with the characteristics I mentioned before, where it is composed with a large presence of dark tones within the photographic frame, and this time these photographs were captured during the beginning of the sunset of the day and in part there is a very small period of time where the light is very intense until it is softening.
At that point I took advantage of taking these photographs, from a perspective where those shadows or darker tones were stronger in the scenes, as well as the first photograph of the portrait for being a closer shot, you can take advantage of the lighting on the face and just a small background that was completely dark, without having any kind of importance.
All the photographs are of my authorship.
Of all the photographs I captured, the one you mention is the one that captivated me the most. Thanks for commenting.