A whole sea of possibilities [En-Pt]

in Black And White6 months ago

Good morning, #Monomad friends

The border

How many of us stay put when we encounter an obstacle in our lives?

Let me wander a bit. I'm going to use the photos as a starting point for a little reflection on life itself. Feel free to share your personal thoughts in the comments! I'll be very grateful and will respond to everyone!

Borders mark, in a more or less obvious way, a reality or condition for another that can differ greatly from the adjacent one.

Life doesn't teach us to look for differences, it just tells us to strive for maximum comfort, and invariably this comes with as little effort as possible, of course. By doing so, and acting almost inertly, we choose a path that we think is best.

Many times in my life, I'm led to look for challenges, obstacles that seemed insurmountable, and which in the end may even be impossible for me, or for the moment. The simple fact of not rejecting what seems inevitable from the outset can lead to the discovery of new perspectives, angles or opinions.

And sometimes the challenge really is not to deviate from the path, and not to give up on what we have in mind.

Everything can be seen as a challenge. But only one person can decide (or be led not to decide, and leave it to chance), and that person is ourselves.

Let's know how to value the possibility of free will, and that we can choose, not leaving what seems different to us to be reserved only for whining and negativity.

May the sea of opportunities that come our way on a daily basis be seen as a source of continuous personal enrichment.

A fronteira

Quantos de nós nos deixamos ficar quando encontramos um obstáculo na nossa vida?

Deixem-me divagar um pouco. Vou usar as fotografias como ponto de partida para uma pequena reflexão sobre a vida em si. Sintam-se à vontade para partilharem as vossas ideias pessoais nos comentários! Ficarei muito agradecido e responderei a todos!

As fronteiras marcam de forma mais ou menos evidente, uma realidade, ou condição para outra que pode diferir em muito da contígua.

A vida não nos ensina a procurar as diferenças, apenas nos diz para lutarmos para que tenhamos o máximo de conforto, e invariavelmente isso vem com o menor esforço possível, obviamente. Ao fazer de essa forma, e agir de forma quase inerte, escolhemos um caminho, que achamos que é o melhor.

Muitas das vezes, na minha vida, sou levado à procura de desafios, obstáculos que me pareciam intransponíveis, e que no fim até podem ser mesmo impossíveis para mim, ou para o momento. O simples facto de não rejeitar à partida o que nos parece ser uma inevitabilidade, pode levar a uma descoberta de novas perspectivas, ângulos ou opiniões.

E por vezes o desafio é mesmo não nos desviarmos do caminho, e não desistir do que temos em mente.

Tudo pode ser visto como um desafio. Mas apenas, e só apenas uma pessoa pode decidir (ou ser lavada a não decidir, e deixar ao acaso), e essa pessoa somos nós mesmos.

Saibamos valorizar a possibilidade do livre arbítrio, e de podemos optar, não deixando o que nos parece diferente somente reservado às lamurias e as negatividades.

Que o mar de oportunidades que nos surgem aos nossos olhos, diariamente, sejam vistos como fonte de enriquecimento pessoal e contínuo.





I hope you enjoyed my post here in the B&W community

Bem Hajam 🍀

Photographic edition with PhotoScape X
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)



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Hello there!
This was a lovely reflection on life while capturing great photos. Black-and-white photos feed the soul, indeed!
Have a lovely Friday:)))

Thank you for passing by, and to drop your comment and kind words, my friend!
Have a great week :)

The pictures are really amazing

Thank you for your comment, and for your appreciation :)

You are highly welcome 🥰

Wow, I really needed to read this today! 🙏♥️ Facing challenges that at times feel insurmountable. It's important to remember not to give up too easily, to keep at it, to keep trusting in the Universe and believing in oneself.

Hello, Oleg!
Sorry for the due on reply to your comment! Thank you so much for your kind and very valuable and worthy wisdom words!
I hope that everything is great it you and everyone around!
Thank you for passing by :)

Very nice black and white photos... a little too philosophical today for me, though, especially for a Friday. My brain is waiting for the weekend to rest 😀
Enjoy your day

Ahaha I know that feeling. Seems like my "system" is of date... Now I feel like I already need another weekend! Well, I thing that is mostly related with the fact that I have some mild flu symptoms... Don't have energy to do nothing!

The result of an extraordinary shot my brother.when we are circulating on the edge of the ocean there are beautiful moments that can calm our souls.

Thank you so much for your thoughts and your kind comment, my friend.
It is surely one thing that it only makes us fell more in the center of our own live, right?
Have a great week