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RE: Jungla de Mármol: Silencio y arte en la Necrópolis de Colón / #monomad challenge / [ING/ESP]

in Black And White3 days ago

So well captured. I must confess that I also fell some kind of quietude in the cemetery... There is a special aura that envolves the place. I prefer the less crowded days. Your first photo of the publication is so good... even the small bird you captured it the perfect time


Hi colleague. Thanks for commenting. I often have to cross the cemetery. It's a common route for those of us who live nearby to save time, and sometimes I just sit there for a while. It's very comforting. That bird was in the right place, haha.

Yep, the bird was on the right place at the right time, but you had the mastery of capturing it!
Enjoy your weekend, my friend! Cheers from Portugal

Thank you. Hugs from Cuba.