Keep calm. Monomad Challenge.
Best regards hivers of the Black and White Community. That day, the weather was cool, a bit unusual for a tropical island. The sun was shining brightly; though its rays felt faintly on the skin. With my camera in hand, I set off in search of shorebirds. I knew I would find them there, near the pier. I approached cautiously, not wanting to frighten them; although gulls and their friends the royal terns are not usually afraid of humans. I sat close to them to be comfortable and to be able to photograph them.
Saludos cordiales hivers de la Comunidad Black and White. Ese día, el clima era fresco, un poco inusual para una isla tropical. El Sol brillaba con intensidad; aunque sus rayos se sentían tenuemente sobre la piel. Con mi cámara en mano, salí en busca de las aves costeras. Sabía que las encontraría allí, cerca del muelle. Me aproximé con cautela, no quería asustarlas; aunque las gaviotas y sus amigos los charranes reales no suelen sentir temor ante la presencia de los humanos. Me senté cerca de ellos para estar cómoda y poder fotografiarlos.
Suddenly, an unruly little royal tern appeared. He was trying to disturb the tranquility of his companions; but his efforts did not have the desired effect. As I photographed them, I realized that I had to learn more from these birds, because there are negative people who unload all their anger and dissatisfaction on those who do not deserve it. Learning to remain calm in the face of these people and not allowing ourselves to be dragged into their little world of dissatisfaction, of which we are not a part, is fundamental to maintaining peace and going through life with good mental health.
De pronto, un pequeño charrán real revoltoso apareció. Él intentaba perturbar la tranquilidad de sus compañeros; pero su esfuerzo no causó el efecto deseado. Mientras los fotografiaba comprendí que debía aprender más de estas aves, pues existen personas negativas que descargan toda su ira e insatisfacción sobre quien no lo merece. Aprender a mantener la calma ante estas personas y no dejarse arrastrar a su pequeño mundo de insatisfacción, del cual no formamos parte, es fundamental para conservar la paz y transitar por la vida con buena salud mental.
I will use the images made for my entry to the #monomad challenge contest promoted by @monochromes. I hope you like them and enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed photographing them.
Utilizaré las imágenes realizadas para mi entrada al concurso de #monomad challenge promovido por @monochromes. Espero que las mismas sean de su agrado y disfruten al observarlas como yo disfruté al fotografiarlas.
Thank you very much for reading my post. May the good energy be with you. Have a nice day.
Muchas gracias por leer mi post. Que la buena energía los acompañe. Lindo día.
The text was translated by Google translator, because English is not my first language.
El texto fue traducido por el traductor de Google, porque el Inglés no es mi primer idioma.
Thank you very much @jlinaresp and @visualshots for the support. Greetings and have a nice day ☺️
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Thank you very much 😊
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.
Thank you so much @monochromes for awarding me second place. I really appreciate the support. Greetings and have a nice day ☺️