The spoiled cat. Monomad Challenge.
Best regards hivers of the Black and White Community. Curious, affectionate and playful, that's Margarita the expert hunter. Spoiled, loving and delicate, she is a very pampered cat. When she was still very young, the grandfather found her; she looked very thin, and he carefully cared for her. An intense rain remained as a beautiful memory of that blessed day when destiny wanted this magical encounter. She was shivering with cold; the grandfather, without thinking, picked her up and took her home like a valuable treasure. A dish of warm milk, with lots of love, Grandpa offered her. She savored it happily because at last she had found a home. Margarita is a very tender cat, her affection is always ready to give. For grandpa she is a queen; the spoiled pet of the home.
Saludos cordiales hivers de la Comunidad Black and White. Curiosa, cariñosa y juguetona, así es Margarita la experta cazadora. Consentida, amorosa y delicada, ella es un gata muy mimada. Siendo aún pequeñita, el abuelo la encontró; ella lucía muy delgadita, y él con esmero la cuidó. Una intensa lluvia quedó como un hermoso recuerdo de aquel bendito día en que el destino quiso este mágico encuentro. Ella temblaba de frío; el abuelo, sin pensarlo, la recogio y como un tesoro valioso a su casa la llevó. Un plato de leche caliente, con mucho amor, el abuelo le ofreció. Ella lo saboreaba alegremente porque al fin un hogar encontró. Margarita es una gata muy tierna, su cariño siempre está dispuesta a dar. Para el abuelo ella es una reina; la mascota consentida del hogar.
I will use the images made for my entry to the #monomad challenge contest promoted by @monochromes. I hope you like them and enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed photographing them.
Utilizaré las imágenes realizadas para mi entrada al concurso de #monomad challenge promovido por @monochromes. Espero que las mismas sean de su agrado y disfruten al observarlas como yo disfruté al fotografiarlas.
Thank you very much for reading my post. May the good energy be with you. Have a nice day.
Muchas gracias por leer mi post. Que la buena energía los acompañe. Lindo día.
The text was translated by Google translator, because English is not my first language.
El texto fue traducido por el traductor de Google, porque el Inglés no es mi primer idioma.
Ahhhh how beautiful Margarita is, she has a super cute face, what nice pictures my friend.
Thank you very much friend @muhammadhalim for your nice comment. Margarita is a very cute kitty. I am glad you liked the pictures. Greetings and great day to you ☺️
Gracias a usted amiga por compartir fotos tan lindas 😊
It is impossible to stop loving our cats, they are all pure energy and harmony, they are beautiful beings that enjoy being with us. Greetings and nice pictures !
It is true, cats are charming animals and it is impossible not to love them. Thanks so much for the support @wilfredocav. Regards and I wish you a nice day ☺️