
Krishna dates back to Nimrod / Semiramis , here's a interesting little chart that shows how different religions / cultures have attached to. I did a study on it, but need to dive in more because it's jam packed with history and how everything came from the tower of babel.


Doggone. I missed this comment too. Sorry. I'd have upvoted it. I didn't know Nimrod and Baal were the same entity. Interesting little Pagan trinity.

The Tower of Babel represents man's attempt to reach God through his own efforts. There are a lot of people still doing that today, and some of them are Christians.

Hmmm... ok. Will check/read later thanks.

Edit: ok I've read it. Good post too. But nah, Jesus is Jesus. If you want to know about which "god" is His equivalent, look for Our Lady of Guadalupe. There is a new book about her by the Gonzales'. Haven't been able to squeeze it in in my latest post but I'm planning on writing about it soon.

I just noticed this comment. Sorry I didn't see it before. It's already paid out, or I'd vote for it. Thanks for weighing in.

It's alright. Happy holidays!

Jesus and Krishna have nothing to do with each other. One was a historical person and the other is a character in a cultural storyline.

You think so?

But this is all a story, this life we appear to be in. None of it is ultimate truth.

That's a strong conviction i hold anyway. Try it on to see if it fits, or leave it.

I get where you're coming from. All life is a story, but whose story is it? Each of us has our own personal story, our life story, but the grand story, the macro story, is the story going on inside God's head. When I say that, I don't mean in some New Age-y metaphysical sense. That story involves Jesus Christ as a historical person who came to redeem humanity.

Cultures have stories too. They're called myths. Vishnu is a myth, a story that a particular culture has told throughout its history to help it make sense of the world. C.S. Lewis called Christianity a myth with truth in it. That pretty much sums up my own belief, as well.

i in-courage you to read (with an open mind) this conversation between Shrila Prabupada (Krisna devotee / guru) and Father Emmanuel (Christian)

Alright, I'll check it out.