The Lord is doing something in this season for his people. This will be a word of confirmation for you.
You will know that God has spoken these things concerning you already. The Lord says, this is your upgrade season. It's time to come out. The Lord says, I'm erasing the residue from the past season off of my people.
Just as he took Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and walk with them in the fiery furnace. He's saying, I've walked with you in this past season. And a lot of you have said something along the lines of, I don't know how I'm still in my right mind. I don't know how I'm still here.
I don't know how I'm still alive because I feel like I'm at the very end of my strength, the very end of my patience, the very end of my peace. But the Lord is saying, I was
walking through the fire with you.
I sustained you. Nothing else around you could sustain you but me. That's why you're still here. And the Lord says, it's time for you to step out of the fiery furnace because it's time for you to walk into the upgrade.
There are some things the Lord is
about to release to his people that are better versions of what you've lost or what you already had. This is not only the season of restoration for his people, but this is also the season He's going to give you back something, but he's going to give you back more of what you lost.
So exactly what the enemy took, you're going to get it back, but you're going to get it back upgraded and multiplied. The Lord says for some of you, that's opportunities, marriages, relationships, multiplied wealth, vision, strength, healing, wisdom, patience.
For some of you this last season, you've suffered through infidelity and divorce, poverty, lack, lies, manipulation, people talking about you behind your back, even in your own family.
People have tried to make your name look a certain way. You went through the cheating. You went through the scam. You went through the lies. You've been demoted from platforms. You've been demoted from opportunities.
You've been through the poverty. And the Lord is saying, I'm bringing you out of that. The Lord says the world is about to be amazed when they realize that what they thought should have killed you still didn't kill you. And the Lord says, because I was in it with you.
And he's using your story. He's using what should have consumed you, the fire, just like he did for the burning bush for Moses to catch the attention of the world, to catch the attention of the lost.
And your story, your testimony is going to bring revival. This is one of the ways the Lord is bringing He's using your testimony and your story to bring revival. Corporately, this is happening around the
world. I know this is a big word, but he's bringing it corporately to use your stories to bring revival and show people the power of God and how he moves.
The Lord is saying in this season, the
world is about to be amazed. He says, but listen, you're entering into a divine season of retribution and part of the enemy's punishment. Part of your enemy's punishment is going to be to watch you eat at the table.
The guy's prepared for you. I kept seeing the number one, two, three, and I heard the scripture in 23, Daniel chapter three, starting at verse eight and Psalms 23. And I want you guys to read those, take them back to the Lord in prayer. And this will be part of the word.
Thank you for these words, I know that my story will amaze alot of persons because this is my season