The Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
This is personified, meaning that they just made faith a noun in the Bible.
You know, a noun is a person, place, or thing. So faith, your faith.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God
That means that your faith attaches to what it hears. Whenever your faith hears, your body responds to it as if it's already happened, if you believe that you're going to overcome this sin, you move like you're already overcoming it. If you believe that you're about to get in a car accident, you drive like you're about to get in a car accident.
It's literally believing something and moving like you've already got something that hasn't even happened.
That can manifest as anxiety, picturing realities, social anxieties, situations where things haven't actually happened, but your body is preparing to run from it. Or that can look like full faith and peace and rest in Jesus Christ.
Be careful what you let your faith hear because it determines your outcome.