Hello kingdom Believers, how are we doing today?
What is pride?
The definition from the Holy Spirit
The conscious or unconscious belief, whether you realize it or not, that you are self-sufficient or independent of God as if you possess his power.
It feels good to glorify yourself when you feel insecure or when you don't feel smart. It feels good to say all these big words when you're talking to somebody to try to show them that you know all these things when really you don't feel very confident in yourself.
Pride overcompensates for where you feel you're lacking. It shows off outwardly because you feel you lack something on the inside. Pride makes you feel like you have to wear certain things, go certain places, do certain things, overwork yourself to be accepted or to feel like you hold value in your family or in your friendships or in these relationships.
You're literally trying to provide security for yourself outside of God's will and outside of his purpose and calling. Meaning that now you put other people at risk when you try to glorify yourself to try to prove to yourself that you're worth more or that you can do this or that you are something that you were not created to be.
When God wants to help you, there are some things, there are a lot of things, pretty much everything that we cannot do without God's assistance. We might be able to do it, but our capacity and our abilities are limited.
Pride is selfish because it tries to glorify ourselves at the risk of hurting somebody else, at the risk of bleeding on somebody else when you don't allow God to heal your wounds.
If there is an area in yourself that you feel insecure, there's an area in yourself where you feel like you need to prove yourself, you need to ask God to search that area in you and heal it and expose it and reveal it so that you can be free.
Free from the spirit of pride.