God Can Now Trust You

in The Kingdom3 days ago

The Lord say, because he could trust you, he could bless you. This is a prophetic word. Take it back to God for confirmation.


The Lord said, because I can trust you, I can bless you. You answered the call, surrendered, you didn't throw in the towel and you didn't give up when you could have.

You didn't go do what they wanted to do and what you wanted to do when you wanted to do it. But you said, nevertheless, God, I'm going to serve you. You answered the call of God in your life.

I know it was like, God, I don't know if I'm going to be able to take this. Like, I don't feel like I'm qualified. But nevertheless, you said, nevertheless, God, not my will, but thine will be done. You know who you are. You said, I give God my yes.

And because you gave God your yes, and you continue to be faithful, even through the trials and the tests, you still gave him your yes.

He can trust you with what he's about to bless you with. You are about to receive the resources, the blessings, the manifestation of some things that you've been praying for and that he promised you.

Because you stood the test.
You stood down, ten toes down on that word. When things got hard, when the enemy tried to whisper things in your ear, and you even got your friends.

You went back to that word, and you was like, all right, Lord, what did the Bible say?

He will never leave me, nor will he forsake me. No matter what happens, the Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart trusts in him, and I am saved. And you kept affirming yourself in the word.

So God says, because I can trust your faith in me, and because I can trust you with the resources that I'm about to send to you, and because I can trust you with the people that I'm about to send to you for you to shepherd over in certain areas and seasons of your life, now it's time for me to release it.

It's time for me to release that.
That blessing and that favor over your life. And God is giving you the grace to embrace. So stand strong.

The road is not going to be easy, but you got the tools that you need to steward it and take care of it. And the cool thing about steward, steward means to take care of something that does not belong to you. So remember that whatever God sends you, it's not yours.

It's the Lord's, but he's going to give you the wisdom, and he has given you the wisdom on how to take care of it.