Hello kingdom community friends, how are you all doing today?
There's a verse in the bible that says do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.
And that got me thinking like you know how the good guy always wins in the end and the bad guys like destroyed but I'm real. That sounds all good.
What happens when good overcoming evil looks like buying your enemy lunch what if it looks like giving the person that hurts you a compliment treating them with kindness.
When you have the opportunity to do to them what they did to you y'all quiet.
Proverbs 25 says if your enemy is hungry give him some bread, if he's thirsty give him some water to drink by doing this you'll literally reap hot coals of fire over their head meaning. They'll feel really guilty for what they did to him it might show up in anger might and in rejection.
The guy knows what he said and he knows what he's doing this one might take out a little while because it's taking me a little second to start applying this but hey check your heart and let the love of God win just come on.