This is a prophetic word for God's visionaries, creatives, entrepreneurs.
The Lord is rerouting a lot of you. You had visions in your heart in other seasons that you thought were going to come into fruition a certain way, and you've been heartbroken, and the enemy has tried to back you in a corner, and caused you to stop trying at all because of the spirit of disappointment.
But I bind the spirit of disappointment over your life, and I decree and declare fresh inspiration and fresh breath of God's encouragement and creativity being blown over your life right now.
The Lord is calling you into a deeper place in prayer and a deeper place in worship, and in order to activate and truly be able to receive all that God has for you, you've got to press in, you've got to elevate so that he can manifest.
The Lord says, I place the desire in your heart, and the way that you thought it was going to come into fruition was not the way that God has the strategy for it to come into fruition, and you have to be able to accept that and surrender your way to God's will.
Many of you made the mistake of pursuing your gifts as your purpose
instead of God allowing your gifts to make room for you. And God is like, I have so much more for you than that.
There are two main reasons why God didn't allow what you put your heart into to work in that past season.
One, if you would have allowed it to work, you would have thought that it happened because of your own efforts, and he would have gotten no glory out of it.
And two, you were not ready mentally and spiritually to be able to carry the weight of the mantle that God had for your life yet.
You needed to get to a new place in prayer.
You needed to get to a new place in fasting.
You needed to get to a new place in intimacy with God because how can you glorify God with it if you can't even carry it?
You have a heart that says, even if I want it for me,
I want to use it to honor God first. Even if I wanted to help somebody else, I want to make sure that I'm pleasing God with the way that I'm sowing it.
And so because you have a desire, and because you have this zeal and this passion, it's not that the passion isn't there. It's just God has to order your steps so that that passion does not become misplaced.
When Moses was in Egypt and he killed a man because he saw that the Hebrews were fighting each other, and it hurt his heart to see people taken advantage of and beaten, it wasn't that the passion. It was just that it was misplaced because years later God sends him back to that same territory to free his people and that passion that was misplaced when he did it and went about it the wrong way.
Now he could use the instruction of God to handle it correctly and ultimately handle it on a greater scale.
So the Lord wanted me to explain very clearly that I am looking for my children to obey my voice with their gifts I have given them rather than obey their gifts and then seek my voice along the way. God wants to walk the path with you. He doesn't want you to walk the path and then look back at him every time that you get farther and farther away and ask him for more guidance.
You can't hear if you're not close to the Spirit of God. So he's looking for you to go back to him in prayer. Write that vision down. Write your heart's desire. And you have to make sure that what you desire,
you desire it for the right reasons.
The transition is going to make you a little uncomfortable because you're going to have to trust God to do things in a way that you did not think and the ways that you have not seen it done.
But God is like, I'm going to get the glory out of it. Obey me, seek me, and I will lead you.