Hello Believers, how are we all doing today?
I got a revelation today.
The reason why some of us struggle is because we are going in the direction that God has not showed us.
That is why we are facing so many challenges in life. For some of you, it's that job that you find security in. For some it's those friendships that you joined to that God did not send you because you trauma bonded. And it wasn't based on the word of God and the love of God.
We think that it's security. We're trying to find protection. We are trying to find what only God can fill in situations and people and in things that he did not send to us. Without realizing that that is something that the enemy sent as a target for us.
He knew what you were looking for, so he sent you what you wanted when you wanted it. And it was convenient, but it wasn't from God. This is why it's so important to have discernment.
Discernment is our ability to tell what is of God and what is not. This is the season we got to stop curling up next to counterfeits, baby, and curl up next to the king. The one true king. For some of us, it's finding stability in that money and those finances.
Instead of finding security in God. And all the while, you're an open target to the enemy because that's their hunting ground.
The Bible says that there's a void in us that can only be filled by God because it was designed by God in us.
Meaning that because he's an everlasting God, he is the beginning and the end. Nothing else can fill a God-shaped hole except God.
Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness and all these other things that you need, that you desire, that you want.
Because your desire will be in the will of God, he can give you what you want. Because what you want is what he wants for you because he wants the best for you.
Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.