Hello Believers, how are you all doing today?
God told me to tell you, it's not about how you start. It is about how you finish.
There are some of you that have been beating yourself up about how you started 2025. Maybe you fell back to some old sins and some old habits. Maybe you went back to that sneaky link. Maybe you went back to watchin Bernard.
I don't know what your story is, but listen, it's not about how you started the year. It's about how you finish. You got T minus 10 more months left in this year. Don't give the devil the power to define the rest of your year because of two months.
Everything that you said you was going to do this year concerning growing your relationship with God, just start.
The Bible says a righteous man falls down seven times, but in the end, he gets back up.
The devil wants to use doubt and fear and worry and stress and guilt and condemnation to try to make you and back you into a corner so that you don't finish 2025 strong.
What if I told you the test was this year?
How do you persevere instead of how do you perfect it?
I don't care if it was 2%. You better take it. Seek his word for wisdom. Apply it. Forgive yourself and try again. For God to send me here to tell you this today is because he actually really cares about you.
And he's seen you and he's seen what you've been beating yourself up about. And he says, no, today's the day that I'm bringing you out.
It's time for you to look at the enemy and be like, nah, fool.
You got January and February is going to knock me out.