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RE: Seek Ye' First The Kingdom...

in The Kingdom3 months ago (edited)

I got saved when I was 10, at a little storefront pentecostal church. I'll never forget the pastor (a female no less), advised me to read the book of Revelation first as it promised a blessing to anyone who read it. I did so in the park on the way home (I'm a fast reader), and felt what I can only call "a good feeling" start in the center of my chest and spread througout my body.

It felt so good that I was hugging myself by the time I got home, and the feeling slowly faded away by the next morning. As you said, life happens. While I backslid and fell away from churches due to various scandals involving corrupt pastors and such, I always remained a believer (my knee will never bow to Baal).

Coming from a "religous" family with members who led a number of churches, I got a chance to peek "behind the curtain" and see Oz in action. My grandfather, uncles and cousins all pastored "churches" where they led "their" flock, so I got to see the rot up close.

I know the "church business" inside and out, and have stayed as far away from them as I can. We've come a long way from the 1st century AD when church was held in homes around a large table. Today, religous leaders are millionaires wearing thousand dollar shoes and have private jets. Going to "church" is like attending a concert at Madison Square Garden, with a stage and a light show. The Lord himself was humble and always gave credit to the father. What a contrast. I wish you the best of luck with your community.


100% agree. That is not what I would call a faith based church, it's entertainment and the sole purpose is to separate you from your money so the clergy can live in luxury

Sadly that is what most people think when they think of church or Christians.

Narrow is the gate.