in The Kingdom12 days ago

I was reading the word yesterday and I heard the Lord say as I was reading, nobody's fault but yours.

I then heard the Lord say that many people are being deceived by false teachers, false preachers, false prophets and false doctrine because they do not have a relationship with me.

The Lord said, I said in my word that I will not have my people ignorant of Satan's devices. I will teach you all things. I will reveal to you the plans of the enemy concerning your life.

People of God, when you have a relationship with God, when you study the scriptures for yourself, God will expose and reveal many things to you.

The Lord then took me to Ephesians 4 and 14 and it says that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slate of man.

And by cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive. Paul said that we should not be as children concerning the word of God. That we need not to be immature in the things of God.

But that it's time for us to come out of this milk stage into a stage of eating meat. But this growth only comes by seeking God. The Lord said, don't allow the enemy to deceive you.

Don't believe everything that you hear. Don't believe everything that you see. Search the scriptures for yourself.

Seek God for yourself.

Because you see someone casting out demons, healing the sick and saying what thus said the Lord. That does not mean that they are being used by God.

The Bible tells us to test the spirits to see if they are of God. People of God, if it does not align to the word of God, it is not of God. The Lord said it is time for you to mature in the things of God. That you be not deceived.

I leave you with this. Mature in God. Build your relationship with God. Because the Lord said to me, tell my people. That when it is all said and done.

If they allow Satan to deceive them. It was nobody's fault. But theirs. I encourage that you take heed to what the Lord has said.