Seek Help Through The Word Of God

in The Kingdom11 days ago

If there's anything that you're confused about or you have questions, open up your word. Go to the word of God because the word of God has the answers to whatever it is that you're seeking for.

Man don't know everything, but God knows all things. This is why the Bible tells us to study to show ourselves approved because many people are being deceived because they are taking the word of man versus what God is saying to them.

The Bible has everything that you need to know. Seek God for yourself and God will speak to you. God will open up your understanding to all things.

There will come a time where we will meet the Father.

The question is, how will you meet the Lord?

The Lord showed me a prophetic dream and said, I need you to release that prophetic dream that I gave unto you.

In this dream, I saw myself in the angel of the Lord standing beside me. And as I looked around, I saw in the world that it was dark. It was no light in the world.

I saw the ground split in half. When I looked down, it appeared to be pitch dark. And I saw many souls, and they appeared to be standing in a line. And when I looked upon their faces, I saw fear and uncertainty.

I then saw these souls, one by one, being thrown into the ground. I then heard the Lord say to me, These souls are being cast into outer darkness because they did not repent and turn from their wickedness.

The Bible tells us that warning comes before destruction. God may be warning you through a dream, through his word, or he may have sent someone to warn you. But God is saying to take heed before it is too late.

The Lord said in his word, My spirit will not always strive with man.

Hell is eternal. Repent, turn from sin, and serve God.

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