I was reading through the scripture of Proverbs 4:23...it says Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it proceeds the issues of life, to me that is very profound.. Cause in there is a whole lot, so I ponder a bit as to why the God will instruct us to GUARD OUR HEART WITH ALL DILIGENCE Note the Word Diligence that is something really serious ...and it further says For Out Of It Proceeds ISSUES OF LIFE ....let's return to reality, the heart controls regulate maintains the entire activities of the whole body,
N/B the heart often used interchangeably as the mind
it is same to every thing created by man, any machine, Cars, airplane, ships, in whatever form is powered by an engine, which in this case is the heart of it, no matter how fancy looking it is if anything is wrong with the engine then it is definitely of no use.
God who created man in his own image gave told us in our own manual which is his word that our heart is very fragile and delicate so therefore we ought to guide it very diligently because if anything goes wrong then the entire body is totally useless, God didn't stop there he further went on to broaden our understanding of the fact that not only should you be very careful with your heart but also know this for a fact that A Man THINKETH IN His Heart So Is He(pro.23:7) what's that tells you....
Its totally up to you to be what you want to be, no body is responsible for that
I've seen a lot of people have unnecessary issues and problems with others because they lack simple understanding of these scripture, they want others to respect, fear, adore them, when they themselves don't know their own self worth, values, integrity, what they stand for, I often tell people life is like a plane sheet of paper presented before you whatever you decide to do with it is what you get out, there's nothing magical about life, lot of people struggle today with depression, low self esteem, worries and cares of life all of which emanates from "How They See Themselves"
One Time Jesus was talking to a group of people accusing him of eating with sinners and Jesus's response to that taste reflect exactly on the issues of the heart, Jesus told them that it is not what goes into a man that defiles him rather it is what comes out of him that defines him, get this for a fact, there's no difference between you an a prophet, a pastor an evangelist or any body with any tittle in church why because the same measure of power and abilities has been given to us all in same measure only if you believe in the word of God which is Jesus Christ and have accepted him as your personal lord and saviour then you have it there in you
As My pastor will always say the greatest problem with human race is identity crisis that is people really don't know who they are, so I ask who do you think you're the reality of these simple truth is what will guard you daily in whatever you do.
One Time the Bible says a man who receives the word and never does it, is like a man who behold himself in a mirror before stepping out soon after he forgets who he looked like few seconds ago, now as I said earlier the Bible is our manual as human containing God's word, instructions prophesy and revelation about who we are and how we can life our lives to fullness, in another scripture (Phillipians 4:8) the Bible gave us a vivid outline of things to think on, so feeding your mind with this things will definitely replicate in your outward appearance, attitude and behaviors
In today's world a whole of people are battling with depression, low self esteem, lack of self worth, worries, suicide cases are now rampant on a daily all of these are outcome of what people take in pressure from society, friends, family, age groups to be like, and to measure up, what Jesus told us is that what should define a man should be those things that proceeds out of his thoughts, not allowing the pressure of the outside world to have much effect on him.
The Bible is full of wisdom and the teachings that can be applied to our daily lives for effective living. One of the most profound teachings is found in Luke 6: 45 where Jesus says out of the abundance of the heart the speaks, This statement highlights the connection between our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It reminds us that what is inside of us will eventually come out in our words and seeds, so you should be mindful of the things you allow to incubate in your heart. Cause poundering much on them will results to want you say and how you act and react to things.....
@hiventhusiast thanking you for your time and attention every upvotes comment and reblog are very much appreciated