
Immediately you see this you recall the story of peter walking on the water when Jesus commanded him to join him, unfortunately all self-doubts broke loose and he began to sink, till he shouted for help.

Self doubt is one aspect of ourlives that is completely normal, due to many other factors, no matter how strong a man is at one point or another he is bound to experience set backs in ceratin areas of life, some times things do not really always go as planned, despite carefully planninng and strategising but yet somethings still go off guard, this is meant to affect us in some way or another, we began to doubt our abilities, we doubt ourselves.


Like peter some of us started out well in life , everything going well, with all indications of a successful venture it could be in a start up business, at our office, our personal lives, relationships, including spiritual lives, sometimes with no indication of anything out of the ordinary till then before ones very eyes it all happened,

How i find solace in the word of God is that despite all the negativity happening around me, i have often doubt myself again and again, i have given up on any hope of becoming somebody, i have looked carefully around me and i have seen no indicators that i'm actually headed the right direction, but then again whenever i look into Gods word and i see of the many wonderful things God has done in the lives of others i do wonder if God truly cares about me...

One fact that has kept me strong on my feet and heads up is that whenever i see how God has raised men, others who i at somepoint knew how they were almost in the same state as i am, now seeing How God has transformed their lives gives me hope, renews my faith, makes me believe more on God and knowing the fact that truly the same God who has helped and raised others too will come through for me at the appointed time.


I understand that God has an appointed time to everything under the sun, he is a perfect planner and he has assured me time and again that the thoughts he has for me are thoughts of good not evil to give me an expected end, which is another very strong hold of my faith and anchor in God.

No matter what ever i am going through in life wether i'm sinking, dragged down by my fears, doubts, anxiety, worries, disturbed about a lot of things i am rest assured of Gods word, what he has said concerning my life must surely comes to manifestation, i hold on to his word cause they have never failed not now, not at all has he disappointed any who trust in him


the miracles and wonderful things i have seen in the bible and in the lives of others whom i knew personally are all signs and indicators that the word of God truly works, and he assured me again that he will hasten his word to perform, he also said that has the heavens are higher than the earth so are his thoughts and ways higher than ours and any word that proceedeth out of his mouth won't return to him void but must accomplish what it was senth forth for. As the rain and dew that falls from heaven do not return back but wet the earth, given seed to the sower and bread to the eater, that is how God's word works, and they are all documented in the bible.

Let Your faith come alive today, no matter how deep you've gone, trust God you can always come up again, and be restored to your former glory

@Hiventhusiast thanking you for your time and attention, every upvotes, reblogs and comments are very much appreciated


God is the ultimate,just like you said, self doubt draws us really backward both in pur spiritual life and physical. Putting our all and trusting God that we can do it should be our main focus.

Thanks dear for that warm thought right there, God is indeed our all in all