One can construct Euclidean geometries on non-Euclidean surfaces and one can construct non-Euclidean geometry on Euclidean surfaces. A serious study of logic is fun. The world is full of logical paradoxes.
The flat earth game plays on a logical paradox between Euclidean and Non-Euclidean space.
Sadly, people who boldly claim that the earth is flat aren't interested in the complex mathematical arguments. Flatearthers seek controversy and bash people over the head with their stupid paradoxical geometries.
When people loudly claim "The Earth is Flat" they are telling the world that they have zero interest in rational discourse; so you simply have to ignore them whenever they start talking physics or politics.
The challenge is to find less controversial topics like the local bowling league or the color of the carpet.
Posted using STEMGeeks
I'm inclined to agree with you. I know my nephew, and I know my family. They've never found a conspiracy theory they couldn't like. None of them know how to reason through these kinds of things. All Aristotle had to do was walk out and look at the stars.