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RE: How Should Christians View the Immigration Debate?

in The Kingdom9 months ago

Well, looking to the Bible and the instructions of Christ, we are to turn the other cheek, return good for evil, and bless those who curse us. Those who bring false doctrines are to be confronted with Scripture. The worst possible punishment is essentially shunning those who insist on being disruptive to the congregation. Feel free to show otherwise of course.

But this whole matter is hardly analogous to the issue of immigration, and the political discussion is a separate topic entirely. The church should serve as an antithesis to political coercion and pride. The goals are different. The means are different. Our kingdom is not of this world and our ways are not the ways of man. We strive to be better.


I was afraid you'd say that. I will forward this to Alexander Semenyuk, maybe we can get a slightly different perspective here. I had mentioned to him in a conversation that I had intended to do a deep dive into Orthodox philosophy, since I own a copy of The Philokalia but haven't read it yet.