As If I Didn't Need Another Reason...

in The Kingdom8 months ago

This post is going to be a little different...

No sorry, it's not about Splinterlands and the DHF proposals, so that might spoil it for some of you :)

Instead I'm going to talk about....Books!

If you have known me for any amount of time, you'll know...I love to read. So much so, that my new career literally turned me into a mobile book salesman in a way. But this post isn't about my love of books.

Instead, I want to talk about why I believe the printed word is so important especially in 2024.

(A few of my bookcases....I read about 95% of these on the shelves!)

About ten years ago or so, I read a book that was so impactful to me, it changed the way I approached 'buying books'. It was called 'Revenge of Analog' by David Sax. In the book, he argued that digital was cool and all but there's a wave of products that went digital and have gone back to their analog roots.

This changed the way I looked at media consumption too. Not that I forgot about the digital space I had been making a living from for decades. But it gave me a much deeper appreciation for the printed word. You see, I had tablets lol

You would never be able to find me reading a book on an e-reader or my iPad. Ever. There was nothing quite like handling a book, and true book worms know, the smell of a book is to be cherished as well lol

(My collection of John C. Maxwell books - the expert on the leadership!)

Now this is where this blog post transitions....You see, I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but I do think there are powers that be, that really hate this form of media. Anywhere there is truth, there is someone trying to silence it. And as most of the printed word seems to be going to blog posts, online articles and ebooks, nefarious publishers can 'alter' or change things as they see fit.

Take for example, my love of collecting bibles...

This is a small snap shot of my bible collection and my wife always rolls her eyes when I bring a new bible home from work. Do I really need another version of the KJV? No, but there is a method to my madness here...

As time goes on, we have seen how books like the bible have been altered to fit certain narratives and beliefs. And my belief is, I never want to trust a computer to tell me what God's Word says. So if I can have as many of these printed versions as I can, I can help spread them out if times get rough.

And if you are a Christian, you know...Times are certainly going to get rough.

So the printed version of these books is all I want. In fact, the printed version of all my books is all I want lol

But let's be honest, the real reason that I love the printed version of all my books is because...I'm a book nerd. I moved across the country twice, with barely any money to my name. But I made sure that my books made the trip, twice. In fact, most of my books are sitting in a storage unit now as we wait for our new home to be finished.

So there's a little bit of an addiction at play here for sure...Fellow book worms will understand :)

But as for my 'theory', not everything should be digital. And I know that's not a popular opinion, especially in this blockchain space. But for me, there truly is nothing more important than the printed word when it comes to media.

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I used to read a lot more in the past, probably ought to get back into it more now. I did have to throw out some of them old books I read some years back, as I’ve learned where truth truly originates.

I know I get fired up to read and then go through spurts where I rarely pick one up. I need to stay consistent lol

My wife and I switched from physical books to Kindle because we ran out of space to put the books and every time we moved it was such a nightmare. Even so we have a ton of books all over the place.

Yeah I have a bunch in storage right now, and a bunch here in the house....I might end up selling a bunch of them, my old marketing and business books. Not sure yet.

Books, limited to their digital versions, lead to total control and a "society"
[cos there is no society in such world, only population]
without history and memory.
No need to search far in literature -
Orwell's '1984' and Ministry of Truth, where Smith edits books/press under current Power message
Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451', where owning paper books is a crime.
Printed books protect our past from manipulation.

So much truth in that. Science fiction will become science fact.

I thought I was the only one that gets bored and tired reading books with my phone. A few weeks ago, I went to a book store to get a few books and they didn't have any, so someone sent me the soft copies. Till now that I am typing this, I have not been able to read them. I usually jot down or underline some notes when reading hard copy books.

I think books are nice but I don't know if I want to keep all of them in physical format. I just think that it takes too much space. For that reason, I prefer digital stuff as I can always read it on my phone or something like that.

I can't read a thing on my phone. I've tried lol

Man, I recently started reading books but that's online like e-book because it was easily accessible and didn't costed me anything

But I still love to read books in physical form.. the whole point of reading for me is getting better and doing more than just staring at your phone/laptop screens....

No batteries required, or internet connection :)

Every time Iisten to a good audio (I drive a lot) I get the book version. I wish the book versions came with a free audio copy!

That's something I do quite a bit of as well. Listen to the audio version of something I already own lol

I agree with you.😊 E-books may harm the little eyes of the children too.😔

I just cant do it. I've tried and dont enjoy it at all.

It's a good thing since you're eyes are safe from the radiation. 😊

Now that's a genuine love for the reading, much appreciated. It's been long time that I am not reading like I should be. Thank you for the motivation. I am missing that " smell" badly. Knowledge is the key. Happy Sunday!


lol it's a weird thing to talk about but the smell of a new just perfection lol

Indeed a good book helps add to the perfection in life, too. Good day!


I think you are right, we should not all rely on the computer for our books, I love printed versions of books also, as far as I know, they are some, I prefer on printed versions and I am keeping them safe.

You never know what will get changed to suit different narratives.

Yes, you are right @jongolson continue to have a good time 🥰🙏

I’d rather read on my phone than books. Looking at the book makes me strain my eyes a lot. It affects my eyes very much

Some people love reading on phones, I completely understand that.

I’m always trying to make sure that I stay in between. I read books at times and also read through my phone
I don’t want start straining my eyes

That's a good idea!

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