
in The Kingdom9 months ago

Purpose driven lives.

I think we all want them. Maybe we are still young and haven't found our purpose yet. Maybe we are middle aged, and re-inventing ourselves. Heck, in some case we may be on the back 9 and trying something completely new. All to find our purpose.

It's a loaded question, and one that so many of us might struggle with our entire lives.

What is our purpose here on earth? Meaning of life type of question right?

And see, this is where faith plays a big role for some many believers. Because our purpose is crystal clear...

Matthew 28:16-20 is what Christian's call, the great commission. Jesus' last instructions on earth to His disciples before ascending to heaven. We are told to go, and preach to the world. Spread the gospel. Share the good news.

Sounds so easy on paper right? Talk about God, everywhere you go....

Speaking from experience, it's a lot easier said than done. In my case, it took me decades (maybe longer) to have the courage to speak about my faith and the love of Christ in public. And I wasn't ashamed of the gospel, no no, I just didn't want to 'bug' people. In today's day and age we are taught about the 2 worst possible things you can talk about in public...

Politics and religion.

So the easier thing to do was to crawl into our turtle shell and keep our faith to ourselves.

But back to purpose....Here I am, in early 2024 at 46 years old having a mid-life crisis of sorts. I had spent more than half my existence working for myself. Over that time, I had plenty of success but over the past 6=7 years it's been nothing but misery.

How am I going to feed my family? How am I going to re-invent myself half way through my earthly life?

It wasn't until I found my new purpose, that the answer was clear.

This is something very new for me because as many who have read my blog know, I haven't had a standard 9 to 5 job in my adult life. Literally, I have been an entrepreneur since I was about 20 years old and I used to joke about it....I was allergic to the 9 to 5's.

Well, I guess I'm still allergic to it because my hours now, aren't set in stone. I may work 6 hours a day, I may work 12....I really don't care. Because I found my purpose. Working for the Lord and being able to talk about God....To people that don't shy away from a conversation or two ;)

I just read this in an amazing book called Testimonies To The Church Volume 9:

(And yes, I printed it out and put it into my journal lol)

When you find purpose, you don't punch a clock. As an entrepreneur, there's another word for purpose that I used in the same way which was passion. I never looked at the clock when I was working for myself because I absolutely loved what I did.

And now, in the middle of my life, not on;y do I have an amazing new career but it's filled with purpose. Which in turn, drives my passion.

It truly is remarkable, how life turns out....

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Yo pienso que nuestro propósito en la tierra es llevar el proyecto de vida que Dios nos encomendó, hacer cosas provechosas para la humanidad y hacer todo con amor.

It's good to see that you have purpose and it's really hard to balance responsibilities. Money is required for life and it takes quite a bit of work to get that money. You either work for someone or you run your own business. Either way, both sides have their advantages and disadvantages. I am just glad that you are doing well and not stressing over things.

I think that's the sweet spot for so many...When you find something you love that gives you purpose, but also pays the bills!

There is no one who does not have a purpose in life. Unfortunately, some people do not know their purposes in life but Holy Spirit can help us find it

That's exactly it. It may not be revealed to you right away but when it shows up, it's clear!

You're absolutely right good friend, we a want a purpose driven life.. It's very inspiring to see how you've found purpose, especially in a career transition. Balancing passion and responsibility can be tough, but it sounds like you've been able get a fulfilling balance.

It's the goal I think of everyone out there, to live for something bigger than ourselves and to find meaning.

You're absolutely right on this good friend... We certainly have to live for something bigger than ourselves... That's what makes life worth living

How inspiring to hear about your journey to find your purpose!
Sometimes it can take time and difficult experiences before you discover it, but it is wonderful to know that you have finally found that clarity.
Working for the Lord and sharing your faith in an authentic way is truly meaningful.
Keep going with that passion and determination!


Time and patience for sure. But it's worth it!

I feel our purpose here on earth is to live well and live in praises of God
We gotta live to be righteous

Amen to that!

I don't think you have to have a purpose in life. That would be a huge act of vanity.

That's a bleak view of existence. We are just here to die?

No. We are simply here to live without any pretensions other than life itself. Life is so beautiful that it needs no other purpose.

Thank you kindly!

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