But what happens when you read James 2:10 and it says, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."
Similar example of the 4th commandment, the one that begins with 'Remember' yet most of Christendom says it's done away with. And by no means do I feel holier than thou for keeping Sabbath, I fail miserably with much of my daily life lol
Great post Jangle, I struggle so much with putting idols in my life instead of focusing on God. It's like, my biggest battle.
It's incredibly challenging. I don't think you're alone. It's so easy in the world today to get distracted. We're not supposed to focus on anything for more than 8 seconds. Everywhere we turn, something new is grabbing our attention in our daily lives. All the more reason to do thing like, Sabbath (as you said), read scripture, pray, go to church. It helps keep us focused as much as we can on Jesus. But don't ever think you're alone - we all fall short!