Friday Night Bible Study

in The Kingdomlast year

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So I did a thing last night....

I had the Lord put it on my heart to just....Go live and talk about scripture.

There was nothing really planned and to be honest, I didn't know if a single person would show up.

But they did :)

Not a massive crowd, but it was awesome to see 7 people stop by the live stream. We ended up streaming on Facebook Live

And that's just because, I knew I could tap into some friends and family there.

I had some insanely good feedback and it looks like something we will continue every Friday night, God willing :)

Here's the recoridng of the session....Nothing too serious, just like minded people on a faith journey talking about God and the bible!

Want to get involved?

Check out the Kingdom community here!

Or on Facebook, we have a group page as well.

Planning for around 8pm eastern on Friday for the next study, and I'll be poking around, asking people what they would like to dive into.

Hopefully, you can stop by and hang out with us.

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