Wish I could speak on Sexual Purity in whole but
Ill focus mainly on sexual-related addictions, but lessons can be related to other areas of life addictions, including laziness.
This is my first post in this community and I’m so glad to be here 😁🙌💯
Let me start by telling you a Bible History.
It’s about the Holy Communion or what people call the sacrament.
Today in churches, what they serve as Holy Communion is just a crumb of bread and a drop of wine or zobo.
Do you know that in the Bible times, what they served was a whole MEAL? In fact, they called it Love Feast. People were allowed to bring wine and food.
But instead of everybody eating in love and equally, some people started forming caucuses.
They called it Agape Feast. You know Agape means Love.
Paul even scolded them, but they also didn’t stop. While some would go home hungry, some would OVERFEED. Paul wrote a letter in the book of 1 Corinthians to warn them about the dangers of such practice.
He said sickness and immature death, but they still didn’t stop. They stopped having a FEAST! They stopped bringing big loaves of bread and drums of wine.
Do you know what made them stop? Did it work? You see, the reason you haven’t left that sin is not because you don’t know the consequences, it is because you have a system that allows it to happen whether you like it or not.
They started serving a little. Do you notice how jam-packed those junctions used to be? Do you notice any difference when they introduced a traffic light? How many of you have passed through a juncture where there was no traffic light? People will start adjusting. Our brain acts like software. That’s because a system has been put in place.
Our body, your hand, your leg, your mouth are the hardware. And I won’t talk about Spiritual solution today. The hardware will always respond to the software.
The solution to addictions is both spiritual and natural. You need to reconfigure your software.
The first solution I’m presenting is—In fact, sorting the natural will allow your spiritual arsenal to be effective. Do you have a girlfriend that makes you go back into that sin? Just cut her off or cut him off.
- Create a system that discourages that addiction.
End the relationship.
Do you masturbate in your room because everywhere is dark? Remove the curtain.
Do you get involved in kissing and smooching? Stop meeting behind closed doors.
Stop the unnecessary nice chats.
Uninstall your browser if it leads you into sexual sites. Remove it for one month and see if you will die.
Just remove the system that fosters sin as much as possible.
For your researches, start using WhatsApp AI.
Leave Facebook and Twitter if it’s doing more harm than good. It is what it is; you have to take a drastic step. Listen to me. Block that number and never look back. System is everything.
She thought it just happened. One day she was telling me that she now handles her relationship with the opposite sex more maturely. When you set your rules, keep to them. I told one sister under my discipleship, don’t talk to the opposite sex once it’s 10 PM. She didn’t know that the systems she has built were what helped her. That’s it how to bring down the system of sin in your life.
2.Co 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Try and make it easy for yourself. Don’t wait for the day you fall into sin before you feel guilty. Start feeling guilty from the time you break your rules. Once you set the rules, keep them. Meanwhile, that used to be her weakness. Put your environment in place. You don’t need applying self-control, just apply environment control.
Do you know why your system keeps going back to masturbation? It gets pleasure!
- Set Punishment.
Replace the reward with punishment today. It wants that reward, so it wants that pleasure. Every time you are forced to see a porn or feel the urge strongly, use a little pepper on your eyelid. Just run it on your hand and use water to rinse it.
No serious washing.
Then watch your brain reset.
If you feel the urge to masturbate and after holding it for a long time, you can’t hold yourself, get up and put pepper in your hand! Try it. Keep the rule. Next time the urge comes, do you know the thought that will follow? The punishment! Do it all the time.
No.3. Use the calendar rule.
Let’s say for instance Let’s take for instance Today is 23rd, How is it done? Write 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th. Date it like that till 30th or just 7 days. Each day you keep to your rule. Or each day you didn’t commit the sin, you mark it. Each day you fail, you mark it. You can mark as many times as you want but KEEP TO IT. Write:
23rd 24th …
Go to it every day. You can do it for morning and evening. Each time you win, your brain wants to win again. And you can track yourself. This is the advantage, and even if you miss any day, by the time you compare it to the whole week, you will realize that you’re not that bad after all. Psychologically it helps your mind. See, even if you mark RED every day! One day, you will tell yourself, at least, don’t let me get red today.
Thank you for your time
I pray that who ever needs to be free from addictions would break free after seeing this In Jesus name