in The Kingdom2 months ago


There's a certain story of King David. How that before he ascended the throne, three of his valiant warriors risked their very lives to get him water which he longed for, BUT DID NOT DEMAND FOR.

Those men were indeed destiny helpers! (2 Sam 23:14–17). David poured away the water they brought in all humility, reasoning that drinking the water is tantamount to drinking their blood, because of the great risk these men took.

If I say may God grant you such destiny helpers, you would say "amen". Fair enough. May God grant you such helpers in Jesus' name!

Yet it is also true that many Christians will say a big "Amen" to this and will never see the side of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. 🤔


Shall we now dig deeper. Excuse me, the primary prayer point is not that God should grant you such kind of helpers, the primary prayer point should be that God should make you like David or that teacher in the above video.

They had sown something that they were reaping. Have you sown?👀

David had risked his life for those men prior to that day, he had served them wholeheartedly! Not the bossy leader, always demanding recognition and attention from followers.

He trained them AT NO REAL COST into becoming valiant men. Who have you sacrificed your resources for?

So little wonder the men above, on their own volition, went all out for David. Little wonder the class students out of their lean resources did so much for their teacher.


The Devil is not that powerful, we empower him when we don't embrace, scriptural principles.

Whether it be Church growth, family growth, career growth, business growth, economic growth, scripture teaches that if a corn of 🌾 wheat is not planted such that it dies, it won't multiply — meaning:

You must die first— die to pride, die to self-centeredness, die to demanding recognition and TAKE THE INITIATIVE to sacrificially add necessary value to people around you.

Once you do this, naturally they will defend you, they will grow your organisation even beyond your wildest imaginations.

Finally, it is true that King David began this principle with animals or business first. I mean, you don't risk your life because a lion takes one sheep. Nobody will blame you for such a loss! But David won't settle for that. To him, the shepherd work wasn't just unto his father, Jesse, but unto God Almighty, so he went after a lion and a even a bear. What a selfless heart!

Hey that is the key quality that God saw to make him King. Infact because of this virtue of David, GOD WENT FURTHER AND CALLED HIMSELF THE SON OF DAVID! Sir, it's not as if David was the only ancestor of Christ. Oh mehn, God found a man in totally in tune with His heart. ♥ (Ps 78:72).

Look inwards, let God break you, flush out all pride and model His very nature within you, as it was in David.


It's time for your increase!