Jehovah God is Merciful And Kind

in The Kingdom3 months ago

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Being Merciful and kind to others is very important and build up the relationship and support. There are many examples of people that's are very Merciful and kind to others even from the biblical records. Abigail, wife of Nebal is one of them. When she heard of the forthcoming bloodshed on her household, she did something meaningful and virtuous to save herself, household and David's men from committing that gravely sin. God bless her for such kindness and makes her happy.

Rahab, another typical example of kind personality on the scriptures. Despite her profession, she was very kind to the Isrealite's spies. Her actions saves their lives and promotes the success of their wars plans against Jericho. Such kind actions makes God happy and bless her abundantly. She even in the ancestral generation of messiah.

Jehovah God is very remarkable for his kindness and Merciful deeds. Psalms 103 : 8 - 10 highlights his mercies and kindness to humanity. Every other humans and spirit beings keep imitating from him. He shows his kindness and mercy beyond human comprehension and understanding. Take a look at the rain, sun and other elements that sustain lives on the planet. He kindly provides them for us. It's free and unconditional. Despite our shortcomings, he keeps supporting us for our existence and survival.

Jehovah God is very Merciful and kind even for animals. Other nations and people objectified animals in many ways. All their views on animals are very demeaning and unkind. Some animals are used for games which either killed or maimed them forever but God's dealing with his people on aspect of animals shows mercy and kindness. Animals are not to close their mouth while working on thrashing field. This law means that they will be well fed while working for their masters.

Orphans, fatherless child, widows, sick and poor people receives his kindness and mercy. God appreciate these group of people and kindly provide for them. Many people look down in n these people and treat them badly. God care and feeds them at all time and urge us to imitate him too. Take a look at one of his rules about harvesting of crops at the fields. Laws of gleaning provides the necessary essential and sustenance for these low - standards individuals. Farmers have to leave certain measures of the ripe crops, fruits and vegetables for others to be fed successfully. Rather than selling and impoverishing the poor people, the left - overs being in good condition provides them needed food for survival and existence.

God knows our states and show us mercy. Humans errs repeatedly but God keep forgiving us freely. He does not keep records of our sins but helps us to be his friends. For example, king David describes as the man after God's heart, commits gravely sins. Taking another man's wife and killing him in the battlefield but God show him mercy and forgives him. It was that same woman bears his heir to the throne. What a Merciful God! He is very kind and Merciful to us beyond our understanding.


Many examples of people that are kind and show mercy to others are rewarded handsomely. Reasons for everyone to be kind to others abound and will make the world a better place.

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