THE VIRTUE OF WAITING: A Christian Perspective

in The Kingdomyesterday

Waiting:Such a simple word but yet with a deeper meaning,

As believers in God, we are often faced with situations that require us to wait. Waiting can be uncomfortable, frustrating, and even painful at times. However, as Christians, we are called to wait with hope, faith, and perseverance.


The Biblical Concept of Waiting is often spoken of in the Bible,
According to (Psalm 27:14 NIV)which says "Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord".

(Matthew 7:7 NIV)‭“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you".


Waiting is not just about delaying our reward that we think we deserve or testing our patience, rather it is an opportunity for us to grow in our faith, to develop perseverance, and to learn to trust in God's sovereignty.


Waiting can be beneficial in many ways.

  1. It helps us to develop patience and perseverance: When we wait, we learn to slow down, to calm our minds, and to focus on the present moment.

  2. Waiting helps us to cultivate faith and trust in God: When we wait, we are forced to rely on God's promises and provision, rather than our own strength and resources.

  3. Waiting can be a time of spiritual growth and renewal: When we wait, we can use the time to reflect on our lives, to pray, and to seek God's guidance.


Some practical tips on waiting includes,

  1. Pray: Prayer is a powerful way to wait on God. When we pray, we can express our hopes, fears, and doubts to God, and trust that He will hear and answer us.

  2. Read God's Word: Reading the Bible can help us to wait with faith and hope. The Scriptures is full of promises and stories of God's faithfulness, which can encourage and strengthen us as we wait.

  3. Worship: Worship is a powerful way to wait on God. When we worship, we can express our love and adoration for God, and trust that He will meet us in our time of need.

  4. Seek community: Seeking community with other believers can help us to wait with hope and faith. When we share our struggles and hopes with others, we can receive encouragement, support and prayer.

As believers in God, we are called to wait with hope, faith, and perseverance. When we wait, we can develop patience, cultivate faith, and experience spiritual growth and renewal. By praying, reading God's Word, worshiping, and seeking community, we can wait with confidence, knowing that God is faithful and will meet us in our time of need.

photo is mine

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