The Impact of names!

in The Kingdom10 months ago (edited)

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My name was Toluwani Anna, but I changed it to Toluwani Hannah. Let me tell you the story behind it. What was written on my naming card was Anna, and that's what I used throughout primary school. After my primary school, when I had come to know the difference between right and wrong, I decided to change it without informing anyone because I thought Anna was not correct. I had never heard of the name, even in children's church. The only biblical character I knew was Hannah, the mother of Samuel the prophet. And then, I wasn't a Bible reader; I only knew what I had heard while in children's church until I gave my life to Christ and fell in love with Bible reading. That's when I found Anna in Luke 2:36-38, and that was the first time I had ever heard or read about Anna. That was the moment I fell in love with the name Anna. I wish I had asked, I wish someone had taught me about Anna. But it's too late now to change Hannah to Anna because the name is already on everything I have. Still, I love both names, and both are significant women in the Bible. One thing is that one is mentioned more than the other in the Bible, maybe because of the great impact of Hannah's son. That's how some people don't know Jason, Erastus, etc., are biblical names because they only know what was taught in church and not what they read.

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Know the Word of God yourself by reading it often. If I had known Anna was correct, I would never have changed it. If I become a parent, I will let my kids know the meaning of their names right from nursery class, e.g., 'You are Abraham, father of faith, father of nations; you are Enoch, people serve God during your time, etc.'
Names are powerful; it's good if we know the meaning of our names and affirm them to ourselves. Because the devil fights against names, that's how Kolawole will not bring any wealth, and Folarin will not walk in wealth. If you already know the meaning of your name, always pray to it and claim positive things to it.