PUKUMUNDO week 55. Mil horas (cover) by @eudarcabello [EPS/ENG]

The date of lovers arrived and although I'm kind of getting to know someone, but I preferred to celebrate the day of friendship with a true friend @ljtorres2, I told this person that I would meet with my friend and in the afternoon we did something, in the end he could not in the afternoon, it was good that I went out with my friend, in the end we went to the foundation Arte&opera, it was a super cool day.
Hello people of the Pukumundo community here @eudarcabello and this time to participate in the 55th week of The singing voice, with an iconic song of Latin American rock in Spanish by the Argentine band Grandparents out of nowhere, this song that was full stuck and from time to time is still playing, is titled "One thousand hours".

Buscando canción para esta semana y di con esta, más que nunca me sentí identificado, ahora no sé si quien quedó esperando por mil horas por la otra persona fuí yo o la persona que estoy conociendo. La verdad que con esta nueva persona que estoy conociendo no se cuadró nada, solo que como que ambos asumimos de al estar iniciando algo romántico está fecha la pasaríamos juntos.
I was looking for a song for this week and I found this one, more than ever I felt identified, now I don't know if who was waiting for a thousand hours for the other person was me or the person I'm meeting. The truth is that with this new person I'm meeting, nothing has been settled, it's just that we both assumed that since we were starting something romantic, we would spend this date together.
With @ljtorres2 we chatted the night before and I told her that we should arrange to share a day with @melaniboada17 as before, when we were classmates we made plans or went out very often. I didn't wait for @ljtorres2 to tell me to meet her on February 14th, when I told @melaniboada17 she would obviously spend it with her boyfriend so she didn't join the plan.

Dicen que las cosas pasan por algo y capaz estaba forzando las cosas por dejar de ser soltero, supongo que esto sirvió para darnos cuenta que no queremos una relación romántica tan en serio, capaz debemos seguir conociéndonos a ver si de verdad queremos eso o no. Lo que si es que me pase genial mi 14 de febrero con mi amiga, fuimos a un lugar que ya conocía antes de su remodelación, pero ella quería conocer y yo ver cómo era ahora, compartimos unos postres riquísimo y en la tarde fuimos a la fundación Arte&opera para completar ese día definitivamente de la amistad.
They say that things happen for a reason and maybe I was forcing things to stop being single, I guess this served to realize that we do not want a romantic relationship so seriously, maybe we should continue to know each other to see if we really want that or not. What I did have a great time on February 14th with my friend, we went to a place that I already knew before its remodeling, but she wanted to know and I wanted to see how it was now, we shared some delicious desserts and in the afternoon we went to the Arte&opera foundation to complete that day definitely of friendship.
Ya dije que todo pasa por algo y es mejor lo que resulta, así no se entienda al momento, sirvió para hacer contenido y hasta inspirar para este post. Estoy agradecidísimo por todas las cosas buenas que me han pasado y las malas que me he librado, por tu visita y el apoyo, estás invitado a seguir mis nuevos post. Muchos éxitos con tu contenido y nos vemos la próxima semana.
I already said that everything happens for a reason and it is better what results, even if it is not understood at the moment, it served to make content and even inspire for this post. I am very grateful for all the good things that have happened to me and the bad things that I have gotten rid of, for your visit and support, you are invited to follow my new posts. Many successes with your content and see you next week.
Con @ljtorres2 chateamos la noche anterior y le decía que debíamos cuadrar para compartir un día junto a @melaniboada17 como antes, cuando éramos compañeros de clases hacíamos planes o salían cosas muy seguido. No esperé que @ljtorres2 me dijera para vernos pleno 14 de febrero, al decirle a @melaniboada17 ella obviamente la pasaría con su novio así que no se unió al plan.

▶️ 3Speak
Bienvenido a la semana número 55 y agradecida por tu apoyo y participación... Me alegra que pasarás el día del amor y amistad con personas que verdaderamente saben el valor de amistad así que gracias por traer tu experiencia
Si vale, fue la mejor manera de pasarla para mí. Gracias por el apoyo.
What an energetic singing...
Beautiful rendition dear @eudarcabello .
You have a beautiful voice ❤️❤️
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for your support.
Oooh, Sí! Jajajajaja la verdad supe distribuir las horas de esperas, así que no sentí que te esperé mil horas. Ese día fue genial y ¿Como olvidar esos postres? Amé el helado, amé el día y amé el hacer videos contigo. Muy buena tu participación, vas por buen camino 🤗 te deseo muchos éxitos y de verdad espero verte de nuevo y con Mel. Para ser los tres cantando canciones de RBD.
Claro vale, esas colaboraciones con ustedes me encantan y se deben repetir.
Happy love life friend and hope you stay cool
Your entry is so cool and sounds rocky
I hope you had a good day of love. I'm glad you like it, Thanks for the support.