The clouds... they ruined my full moon))) There were too many of them and I didn't see the moon)
Yes, I saw the movement of the moon on my monitor. But I think that the clarity of the picture was more influenced by city lights, this parasitic illumination. For such photos, you need to get out into the forest.
Blue hour... maybe it's just that the moon is not always in the sky at this time. Sometimes it rises much later. Although, I saw her during the day))
I hope to see green men there, but I'll have to stock up on a barrel for that !BEER
Probably that "blur" is combination of many factors. I'm quite busy lately but I may try the same exercise with my telephoto lens at 400mm and then crop.
I agree, there are many factors. I don't remember if I turned off the camera stabilizer... he may start fussing too. In general, we need a clean experiment in the forest on a full moon))
Cheers and !BEER