Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to add a few random pictures from the activities that we've been doing over the past few days into monochrome!

Random Monochrome Monday
There's one thing that's for sure in our house, there's always time and room for an adventure! Whether it's going to the beach, going to a farm or going out fishing, we are always on the move in some form or another. This post is going to be one of those where I throw a few different activities from our recent travels into one. The connection between them is I wanted to see how the pictures would look coming out in black and white!
One of the favorite things of ours to do in the summer is visit the various local farms that we've got to get our fresh food, and pick the fresh food as well! One of my favorite times of the summer is blueberry season! Fresh blueberries are an incredible thing to be able to get, and definitely one of my favorite snacks when we are hanging out at home or on the go. The early season blueberries such as these, are the absolute best! I love the tartness of them, as that is my favorite kind. I eat the sweeter ones but I definitely prefer the ones that are on the tart side like this. Makes it more enjoyable for me! Walking in the field with the blueberries is nice, they are such a cool looking atmosphere to be in!
This was from the little man and I fishing recently. We went to an area where we've been to before a little bit but it was earlier in the year and the plants weren't as grown as they are now. We had a pretty good time here, mainly for the fact that it was really shallow and we could easily walk around quite a bit! I had my waders on here and was able to get this pretty cool shot of the flowers growing up out of the lake. I don't know what these flowers are but they were certainly a favorite of the honeybees and the bumblebees! All I could hear when I was near them was the buzzing of the fellas! It was nice, and they smelled nice as well!
The little man and I do tend to do a lot of fishing it seems, which is a good thing! I indulge him in any fishing that he wants to do, for the most part. I don't do the fly fishing stuff yet, or not sure if I ever will, but when he's looking to do something, you better believe that fishing is on the agenda in some form or another! I would much rather him be doing that than watching TV. He thankfully doesn't play video games which is great, because I know how many kids are utterly hopeless and addicted when it comes to that shit these days.
The place here was remarkable beautiful! It was a waterfall that I will be posting in a few days hopefully, and the atmosphere was wonderful! I think this shot came out really well in black and white, it's a favorite of mine now haha. I think it looks very deep, with a lot going on and a bit of mist in the air! It certainly helps that it's at the golden hour, where the sun is perfect for these types of things.

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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Every time the pictures are converted to black and white they become more beautiful which is how we see all these pictures that you have shared with us.
Thanks I agree the black and white ones look cool!
Your photos look great in black and white! I especially like the one of the waterfall. The shadows and the mist give it a very dramatic look.
I'm glad you and your son enjoy spending time together outdoors. It's so important for kids to get exercise and fresh air. And fishing is a great way to learn patience and respect for nature.
The waterfall came out way better than I realized it when I took the pictures lol thanks for checking it out!
I’ve made some sacrifices to keep him outside constantly but it’s so much better for him that we do that. It’s how kids should be I think!