Has it been 7 months?!
My, how time flies!
Anyways, Hive has been missed. I suppose it has given me time to build up a bit of a portfolio, if one can call it that.
A couple weeks ago I was invited to see an Elvis impersonator at the Alhambra Dinner Theatre here in Jacksonville, FL. Most shows are weary of photography but this one allowed it, so what better opportunity to play around with settings in the dark?
I drug my Nikon D5500 and 200mm lens into the theater along with my Yashica Mat, just to play with flim. I'll put the film shots at the end, they were a bit meh.
Ted Torres Martin was a world champion Elvis impersonator in 2016 and I gotta say, nine years later he's still convincing. His second act as Vegas Elvis was definitely my favorite part of the show.
Of course I was probably the youngest person there, especially considering a 100 year old announced her birthday at the beginning! She probably remembered the first show of the real Elvis like it was yesterday.
I absolutely loved watching the old ladies get frisky with Elvis!
My typical photography is film but I'm trying to appreciate my digital camera a bit more. One way I have found to appreciate it has been with "film" formulas, or color presets designed to give a film look.
I figured for Elvis the best colors would be no color TMAX 400 and color Kodachrome. They don't exactly match the film stocks, but hey, close enough.
I do a lot of picture taking in dark places, which most people don't even consider. But I love it! The ISO on most of these is 800 or 1600 (yeah, digital wins on this) and the aperture is mostly f5.6, which doesn't help focus, but it does allow a faster shutter and less motion blur. It's all about tradeoffs with photography in dark environments.
And last but not least, the film shots. 200 ISO Kodak is quite insane for dark places....
I really need to use softer water when developing.
Well, hopefully you enjoyed this. And hopefully I don't drop off the face of the Earth again. We'll see.
S. D. G.
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Fourth image is my favorite