Pot Marigold

Thursday 13 October 2022

Hi Friends

Hope everyone is doing well by the grace of God. Alhamdulillah, I am also writing today's post.
Today I bring you a new flower photography gift. Although many of us are aware of this beautiful flower, many of us may have never seen it.
Many may be fascinated by its form but are not aware of the name. I don't think the number of people who are aware is too high. In the world of flowers, the flower is painted in its own color and presents its outline and range of forms in front of us.
The flower is called by cultivators, gardeners and nursery owners as Bati Genda, Chaka Genda, Chapta Genda etc. In English it is called Pot Marigold.
We usually see many varieties of genda flowers. Some are bunched, some are like buds, some are round, some are flat, some are upright, some are leaning, some are two buds, some are one bud, etc. etc.
Even if we consider the aspect of color, we can see many varieties and species. Some are white, some are red, some are black, some are pink, some are like raw yellow, some are like yellow, etc. However, the flowers are mostly yellow.
The medicinal properties of chrysanthemum flowers are also considerable. Applying its leaves or flowers on a cut or wound immediately stops the blood and helps to dry the wound quickly.
Friends this was my flower photography today. Hope your beauty dear friends will like it.





Thank you so much for reading my post about flowers.
Stay tuned for more fresh flower photography and other photography.

Photo Captured by Handset.

Best Regards