First, I must say, the first post on this community was well thought out and beautifully written. So well executed, in fact, I am a bit intimidated to post. How does one follow that up?
Yet, I feel I need to attempt to bring more to the community. I'm new to the Hive and was expecting tons of information to be shared with interesting insights and discussion. Yet, I have not found it. So I figure we have to start somewhere.
Long story short, I am a divorced 38 year old mother of two who works a full time job to live a normal life. What brings me joy is my son's and learning about life. To put it simply, I enjoy art, philosophy, science, history and religion to name a few. I also have a stupid sense of humor and the original post had the definition of esoteric which is actually one of my favorite Family Guy jokes of all time.... With that I give you:
Family Guy Esoteric (
Long story short, in 2019, I experienced a divorce that threw me for a loop. I never saw it coming. My initial response was to find some way to avoid having the second part of my life succumb to disaster like the first. With all the lifetimes lived, with all the experience captured there had to be a way to avoid such an outcome a second time. What had I missed? I read everything I could get my hands on and did things I never would have dreamed of in my previous years. One such rabbit trail I chased was astrology. A brief friendship right after my world shattered started my path on astrology. My friend got me an intuitive astrology chart reading. After rescheduling numerous times, I finally sat down for my reading and was floored by the information I received. The only information I had given this woman was my birth date, time and location.
Being a skeptical person at heart I dove into learning about astrology to figure out how this woman gave me such accurate information at such a pivotal point in my life. The journey has been an adventure to say the least.
As the previous post states, astrology is just about the cycles of time combined with history and patterns. It is an endless art as infinite as our universe. For someone like me, it's what I truly enjoy about the mystery of life.
I am in no way an expert or validating astrology as an answer to anyone's life. I just would like to provide little nuggets to start your journey. Any information that can be shared would be greatly appreciated as well.
So.... Why astrology? Well the ancients studied the stars to understand our place in the universe. They discovered that as above, so was below. I think these two videos put it the best.
The helical model- our solar system is a vortex (
The helical model- our galaxy is a vortex (
The Mayan culture is famous for their study of these cycles and how they charted them. However, doom and gloom was not what the end of the calendar meant to their culture. This is what it meant per a researcher of Mayan culture:
Maya Cosmology & the Real 2012
Then there is another layer that is discussed in Carl Jung's Aion about the age of Pisces. Almost a chicken and egg situation.... Which came first? Or did we co create this timeline?
Aion 6: Jordan Peterson's Nightmare: The Sign of the Fishes (
Have we somehow birthed the archetypes that astrology has collected over time?
Needless to say, it's interesting information and brings up intriguing questions.
Again, I am no expert, just a student who enjoys learning. If you are interested in astrology, I encourage you to start with yourself. No one knows you better than you right? I encourage you to research and study. It's interesting to learn about if you are so inclined.
So to start, here are some basic links to research your own birth chart. I hope to post some different things each day that I found insightful through my journey. I went from thinking that those 3 to 4 line blurbs in the newspaper was astrology... But it's so much more...
So all you need is your date of birth, location and time. Here are some links to get you started:
Till my next post, enjoy! I look forward to hearing your thoughts.