Axie Infinity, a blockchain-based video game, has seen its count of daily active players expand roughly 200,000% over the past year.

Holy moly, these are an impressive numbers right there, can't believe how fast things get to snowball once the momentum is conserved.
Now, when we established that there's a clear demand for that type of games (people are getting increasingly frustrated to work 9-5 for nothing)It comes logical what are the devs going to prioritize. Given that #Hive has no transaction fees and is super fast, I wouldn't be surprised to see an increased gaming environment around this place. Perhaps we're just lacking smart contracts that'll speed up the process.
Furthermore, @splinterland is following the suite as well, which is a great thing for #Hive.
BTC reaching new ATH - wooohoo
What a crazy ride, haven't slept for days 🤣
#SLP looks like shit though, after a short breakout it went down the hill again, but it's something I took into account.
Im willing to bet that the rise of crypto users, not only gamers, will go exponential in years to come. Once the seed is implemented, there's no coming back.
Our attention is what matters and as the automatization progresses, our attention will become the only source of income we need. Weather it be playing games, writing articles or simply watching ads.
The future is bright and we're all early.
Time to appreciate what we have here.
The privilege of being so early usually pays of x200, unless you play futures, then you're probably fucked. He he

That's all, have a nice day.
Lol what an actual fuck just happened?