How are you doing dude? Sorry I haven’t been keeping up! Lot of crap going on lol
Have you been affected by some of the negative news around Axie at all? I haven’t been keeping up with it much but every time I see it I think of you and hope you are able to make some money off it!
Yo bro, everything's super fine.
No worries abou me, I've cashed out way more than I invested in Axie so I'm playing with "free money" right now and earning a few bucks every week 🤑🤑🤑
Yeah, fools got hacked big times but they still delivered what they promised (Origin) so I still believe Axie has future as long as they don't fuck things up again.
My only focus for now is Skatehive and Stoken though hehe. Stoked to see you posting in the community, loved it.
How are you bro? I've been hella busy too so not really engaging outside the community. Guilty of that haha.
We’ve been good man! Lotta crap going on but most importantly going to be moving sometime this year. Going to get the hell out of New England and head down south somewhere for much warmer weather and less bullshit. Looking forward to that for sure and owning our own house and stuff. Scary as hell lmao but good! No one really prepares you for this adult shit like owning a house, having a kid and all that. It’s shitty being an adult a lot of the times hahaha. Fun for sure but shit!
I was actually going to get another post in here. Saw an old skate video the other day and wanted to bring some blasts to the past on by! Would be fun to see if I can get some of the other people in there to recommend a new video or two!
Maaaan you should check out , our new partner! You can watch old-school videos like 411 and shit online with perfect resolution. Like watching them from DVD actually. You're gonna love it!
True, no one prepares us for that shit but it's fun figuring things out I guess hehe!Good luck moving out and hope you find the perfect house for you and your family bro!
Go to Cali and start skating again hahahahaaha!