When i first heard about this type of game i thought "This is a great idea - Play to Earn - i want to be part of this". After thinking a lot about it and looking some videos i decided to do an investment and buy 3 axies for about 650€ after looking some videos about what would be the best team so start. So i was very exited beeing able to start playing last week 11-10 and i was fascinated about the idea to earn some SLP and get something back from the game for my investment. I didnt farm much SLP because i don´t have much time and also there was a change i also didn´t know because i saw old videos on youtube. The max SLP you was able to earn is 75 instead of 150 in the past. I was a little bit chocked about this change i did not know but after reading that this was done to stabilize the price of the SLP i was OK with that. But now after 1 week of playing and earning only about 350 SLP i saw yesterday evening that this BIG change will come today and that i will not be able to earn any SLP anymore. I tried to play ARENA several times but without having a big chance to win. I have not about 500 MMR only and maybe i have the wrong Axies to get up to 800 MMR ever ... So i feel like i am a victim of a fraud. I bought something and now this changed suddenly in a radical way. Before you start playing the game you don´t know how it will be and when you decide what Axies you buy you then start to understand playing the game that you maybe did something wrong. I now regret having started this game.
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I think u buy its not good in arena but ill recommend to u a termi type, abp, aap its good to rank up and get more slp in arena and adventure i think your axie right is a chopsuey. But so many changes in crypto world mostly in nft games that's why before u invest money you need to get info how to earn, get some scholarship about energy and axie types